"…and know the place for the first time"


We take pictures, for the most part, to remember specific times and places. Capturing the moments that, years and even decades later, we can return to with photograph in hand. We daydream, creating these nostalgic, mythical places all wrapped around a single image. 

A few months ago, Marianne and I were filming in northern Spain, working on a project for International Teams (a global non-profit I had the chance to work with a couple years ago). It's this beautiful concept that explores the way we treat, of all things, "exploration." About how we spend so much of our waking existence grabbing at the things around us, greedily trying to suck the marrow out of life, looking for meaning in the noise and rush. And what if we were to slow it all down, to pull out of the current, to look not outwards for meaning but quietly search inwards? To run away to the mountains and just listen. What would we find when it is just us and God? I love how T.S. Elliot puts it in one of his poems: "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."

And this is where my story begins. In the rolling green hills of Galicia, Spain, there is this tiny town along the route we were filming called Triacastela. Narrow winding streets, crumbled down buildings, moss growing on all the red-tiled roofs. We had stopped for a brief respite, and were strolling through the back roads of the town in hopes of an afternoon coffee, taking in all the hidden alcoves and tree-shaded alleys. And as we rounded a tight corner, I saw it: through the bars of a gated courtyard, this old bell tower, weather-beaten yet standing tall. A picture so beautiful, so peaceful and remote, removed from the everyday both in feel and in the mere fact that there is only one small vantage point by which it can be glimpsed. And yet, also so familiar. Because that exact bell tower hangs in black and white, a photograph blown up on our bedroom wall thousands of miles away. You see, two years ago I backpacked almost 100 miles of Spain's infamous Camino de Santiago, winding my way through Galicia to arrive in the town of Santiago de Compostela. And one quiet, exhausted morning on that journey, walking dazedly through the quiet streets of Triacastela, I had slung my camera up and shot a quick, afterthought of a photo. A photo that, years later when my travels were all over and I was married and living in the city and life couldn't be more different, I printed and framed in our bedroom, waking up to it every single morning.

And as I stood there I thought, how crazy, we so often find ourselves looking at pictures, desperately trying to remember a place. And here I am, in the total reverse, finding myself in a place I once stood, remembering a picture. With a rush, all of this emotion came flooding back to me, years of life gone by. I had no idea that I would ever be standing in this exact spot again, and in truth, I didn't even recognize the spot nor its significance until I stood in it.

Again, but for the first time. 

We're excited to get to work editing this project, and can't wait to share it with you soon! Until then, here are some photos to give you a glimpse. All the best!

New Year, New Look!


Can I start with a story? Or rather, a back-story.

Two years ago, a boy (Me, Andrew) and a girl (Marianne) sat at a dusty, wooden table in the heat of rural Uganda. Madly in love, and doing the work we loved, together. We had gotten engaged a few months earlier, but I was still on assignment as a photojournalist for another six months abroad, so we made do with occasional visits, choppy Skype dates, and a whole lot of dreaming of the future. Our future.

So we decided, right there and then, to start our own photography and videography business. Because hey, why wouldn't we want to spend every waking minute together, doing what we loved? And where better to make really important life decisions than the bush in Africa, exhausted and all sweaty? We drew up a logo, whipped together a site, and for the past two years have been living this crazy ride called Nicodem Creative.

And it has been amazing. Challenging, mind-blowing, joyful and tear-filled (mostly on my part).

But we realized, in the crush of it all, that with this gaining momentum what we really needed was some added direction. Like that first, tentative step out onto the ice, we've realized that it's going to hold and we need to decide what to do now that we're out on it. So we hunkered down for a few days this last summer, we dreamed, we schemed, we talked about where we've been and where we want to go, and we've come out swinging, ready for what's next!

So welcome to the new and improved Nicodem Creative. Take a look around, we hope you like what you see. But know this: while the surface has gotten a make-over, the heart behind it remains the same. To give the world around us its beautiful due, and tell stories that are truly life-changing. 

We are Nicodem Creative. And we've started dreaming anew.